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AA Isanya Kateshi, Zambia


Look for citrus, blackberry and black tea flavours when roasted for filter; anticipate black currant, malt, and red wine notes when roasted for espresso.

Size: 500g

Producer: Northern Coffee Corporation Ltd. (NCCL)

Varieties: Catimor 129, Java

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1,300-1,630 masl



This is our second year purchasing from the Northern Coffee Corporation, as we support their commitment to social and ecological projects in the Northern province of Zambia, where they operate five separate estates, one being Isanya estate.

Isanya in the local language of the peaceful Luonga tribe means ‘great plane on a mountain’. This picturesque farm is located between lake Chila and Mount Nsunzu with a history reaching back to the early 20th century.

Isanya has a unique place in world history as a place of peace. The last shot of World War 1 was fired close to the estate and all weapons were destroyed close to Lake Chila.

In the year 1918, a British pilot crashed on the estate and fell in love with the nurse who saved his life in the local hospital. After marrying, the couple decided to start farming the fertile lands. Originally growing food crops for the local market, Isanya planted its first coffee in 1980 alongside maize and has gradually migrated to 100% coffee production, under the care of NCCL.

Isanya’s coffee is processed in an on-site wet mill,using low-waste ECOPULPERS, fermented for 16-24 hours, washed, then dried using a combination of raised drying beds, patios and mechanical driers. Once dried and conditioned, the coffee is transported to the Kateshi dry mill to be prepared for export.


The filter recipe begins with a steep rise in temperature to 216˚C. This steep rise right at the beginning then plateaus, with a slight increase to 230˚C through yellow and colour change.There is a steep increase to 270˚C at 4 minutes and 51 seconds, which also coincides with the first crack. Once the coffee enters the development phase, the temperature slightly decreases through the end of the roast to decrease the likelihood of roast defects. Expect flavours that may remind you of blackberry and tea, with a juicy texture.

The espresso recipe begins similarly to the filter recipe, with a similar plateau of temperature through yellowing and colour change phases. The temperature steadily increases to a peak of 265˚C at 5 minutes and 32 seconds, approximately 15 seconds into the first crack. This increase in heat once development begins, brings forth some more caramelised sugar notes in the resulting espresso. The temperature stays fairly consistent until the end of the roast, ending at 7 minutes at 262˚C. Look for notes of blackberry and red wine with a hint of toffee and malt.