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Finca La Argentina, Nicaragua


Erwarten Sie ein zartes Blumenaroma und Aromen von Kirsche, Erdbeere und Mandarine, wenn es zum Filtern geröstet wird; Erwarten Sie Aromen von Amaretto, Grapefruit und Schwarzkirsche mit einem samtigen Körper und einem Lakritz-Abgang, wenn er für Espresso geröstet wird.

Größe: 500g

Produzent: Julio und Octavio Peralta

Sorten: Java

Prozess: Natürlich

Höhe: 1.100 m.ü.M



Finca La Argentina is situated in the Nueva Segovia Region of Nicaragua, close to the Honduras border. The farm is nestled within lush dense forest and rolling hills, making this prime specialty coffee country due to its altitude and ample rainfall. Nicaragua has a long history with coffee but over the past few years has become increasingly well known for top specialty coffee, due to the influence of producers like Julio and Octavio Peralta.


The Peralta Family have been growing coffee since the beginning of the 20th century, but it was only in 2008 that brothers Julio and Octavio shifted focus to developing specially prepared coffee. They are now known as a driving force of specialty coffee in their region, encouraging experimentation and quality in all of their coffees. The Peralta family continue to position themselves at the forefront of specialty coffee innovation.


This lot was produced using the natural process with an extended anaerobic fermentation. After handpicking, ripe cherries are sorted and washed. After washing and sorting, they are placed into an airtight 450L tank to ferment in an anaerobic, oxygen free environment. The temperature of the tank is lowered to approximately 15˚C, by being placed inside water-filled fermenting pools to slow the fermentation for up to 72 hours. After the fermentation period is finished, the cherries are taken out of the tanks and transported to the dry mill for the drying process which may take up to 30 days. The cherries are dried on raised beds where they are moved by hand three times a day to allow them to dry evenly and prevent mould or over-fermentation.