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Sítio Matinha, Brasilien COE


Eine seltene Gelegenheit, den Finalistenkaffee des brasilianischen Cup of Excellence zu erleben. Die Finalisten des Cup of Excellence-Wettbewerbs gelten weithin als eines der besten 1 % im größten Kaffeeproduzentenland der Welt. Dieser einzigartige und unverwechselbare Kaffee wurde unter Hunderten von Einsendungen mit dem 13. Platz ausgezeichnet.

Erwarten Sie einen komplexen Geschmack, der von Kräutern und Zitrusfrüchten bis hin zu roten Früchten und Vanille reicht.

Größe: 300g

Produzent: Edson Junior De Miranda

Sorten: Gelber Catuaí

Prozess: Zellstoff natürlich

Höhe: 1.250 m.ü.M



Cup of Excellence is a rigorous and prestigious competition, which results in an auction of the highest scoring coffees. Each year, thousands of coffees are submitted for consideration. Winning coffees are sold in global online auctions at premium prices, with proceeds going directly to the producers. Each sample submitted to the Cup of Excellence competition is tasted ‘blind’ by a panel of industry experts; First by a National Jury of 12 qualified jurors, then by an International Jury of 20-25 Jurors from around the world. Within a country's Cup of Excellence competition, there will be around 300 entries and 9,000 cups tasted, with the top 10 scoring coffees being tasted at least 120 times. This lot from Sítio Matinha, Brazil scored #13 in the 2021 Cup of Excellence Competition in Brazil, which took place in January of 2022.

The land of Sítio Matinha, is blessed with four natural springs, a river with a waterfall, and a gorgeous view of the Minas Gerais mountains. Coffee production on the farm started in 1967 when the farm was founded by Edio Anacleto Mirando. It was about 23 years ago, after acquiring a small coffee processing machine, that the potential of the coffee at Sítio Matinha was realised. Since then, the family has won awards in coffee competitions and notoriety for their focus on coffee quality. Social and environmental responsibility are at the heart of all activity on the farm, as they seek to create a safe and balanced environment that respects nature.

The farm is now managed by Edson Junior de Miranda, Edio’s son. While most of the Brazilian coffee harvest is mechanised, the harvest at Sítio Matinha is done by hand, by the family and hired workers, with the aim to create jobs in the area. Hand selection of the coffee allows for only the ripest, best cherries to be harvested. After harvest, the coffee is cleaned of all dirt and debris from the farm as soon as possible.

Once clean, the coffee is transported to the processing facility. The coffee is pulped using very little water, which is completely recycled through the use of a settling tank. Once pulped, the coffee dries on raised beds or patios, where they are separated according to quality. After quality selection, the lots are kept separated in warehouses before being milled and all defects removed.