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Finca Cual Bicicleta, Honduras


Erwarten Sie beim Filterrösten Noten von Kirsche, Orange und schwarzem Tee; Erwarten Sie beim Rösten für Espresso rote Kirschen, Toffee und Karamell.

Größe: 500g

Produzent: Oscar Omar Alonzo

Sorte: Catuaí, Lempira, Parainema, Icatú und Ihcafe 90

Prozess: Gewaschen

Höhe: 1.513 m



Oscar Omar Alonzo has been growing coffee for more than 20 years. His farm, Finca “Cual Bicleta” (“Which Bicycle”) was named as a reflection of Oscar’s attitude to life: ‘When you ride a bicycle, you are not polluting, you must keep balance. The bicycle is designed to move forward, not backwards, and all the pieces and parts must work together perfectly so that you can keep moving.’

Finca Cual Bicicleta is managed by Oscar and his son Melvin, a fourth generation of coffee farmer. In 2003 after approaching COMSA, Oscar learned about the benefits of organic farming and decided to transition his farm into organic production.

Since then, Oscar has invested in the farm, using elements of organic and biodynamic farming to increase the farm's annual yield. When the harvest period is over, this farm becomes a community school where Oscar teaches children within the community about organic farming.

This washed process coffee was handpicked, with only the ripe red cherries being harvested. After harvest, the coffee was depulped, washed and sorted at the local mill. The coffee was sun dried in Oscar’s solar dryer, on raised beds, for 18 days.